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How to Make Mango Ice Cream

Mango Ice Cream Recipe - indusnews24

Mango Ice Cream Recipe - indusnews24

Today, I’m going to make Mango Ice Cream with very few ingredients at home. It’s very tasty and extremely easy to make. Please let me know how you like my recipe by leaving a comment. Like, share, and if you’re new to my channel, please subscribe. Let’s see how to make Mango Ice Cream.

  1. Take a large, well-ripened mango. I have already cleaned it with water.
  2. You will need:
  1. First, peel the mango and remove its skin.
  2. Extract the pulp from the mango and place it in a bowl.

Now, let’s blend everything together:

  1. Take a large mixer jar.
  2. Add sugar, mango pulp, milk powder, and cream to the jar.
  1. Add one glass of milk.
  2. Blend all these ingredients very well to make a smooth and fine paste.
  1. Pour the blended mixture into a container.
  1. Optionally, add small mango pieces on top of the mixture.
  2. Close the lid of the container tightly and place it in the freezer overnight (for 12 to 13 hours) to set completely.
  3. The next morning, check the ice cream. It should be well set.
  4. Serve the ice cream.

Try this recipe, enjoy it with your family, and take care. See you with a new recipe. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Thank you!

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